Video: Tax Lawyer Doron Levy on Voluntary Disclosure

Tax Lawyer Doron Levy

The attorney general in Israel approved the publication of a new voluntary disclosure procedure that will enable Israelis who, up to now, have concealed wealth from the state and not paid taxes to make a report and pay the tax they owe without fearing criminal proceedings. The procedure is especially relevant for people who deal […]

Lawyer Doron Levy: “Individuals should stay informed about changes in tax laws” | Globes

Lawyer Doron Levy - Globes

In an interview on Globes with Israeli tax lawyer Doron Levy, we delve into the evolving landscape of expatriation tax and its global impact. Levy highlights a growing trend towards stricter enforcement of these tax regulations worldwide, driven by heightened concerns over tax evasion and the need to safeguard national tax revenues amidst increasing cross-border […]

Understanding Dual Residency: Key Insights with Doron Levy

Navigating Dual Residency in Taxation - Tax Lawyer Doron Levy

Join Israeli tax lawyer Doron Levy as he explores the intricate topic of navigating dual residency in taxation. In this video preview, Adv. Levy sheds light on a typical scenario where individuals, such as residents of Israel conducting business activities in other countries, face the challenge of potential double taxation. Dual residency can lead to […]

Lawyer Doron Levy: Residency and Taxation | Video

Lawyer Doron Levy - Residency: The Key to International Taxation

In this enlightening video, delve into the cornerstone of international taxation: residency. Explore the nuanced definition of residency and its profound implications on tax obligations worldwide. While most countries levy taxes based on residency status, the United States stands apart, taxing its citizens regardless of their physical presence within its borders. Lawyer Doron Levy unravels […]

Lawyer Doron Levy on PR Fire: “Insignificant amounts add up to huge sums”

Lawyer Doron Levy - PR Fire

Renowned lawyer Doron Levy, Head of the Class Action Department at Amit, Pollak, Matalon & Co., advocates for the power of class action lawsuits on PR Fire: “In class action lawsuits, insignificant amounts add up to huge sums. It makes no sense for an individual to file a claim against a large entity for a […]

Adv. Doron Levy on Pressat: “International taxation presents quite a few challenges”

Adv. Doron Levy - Pressat

Adv. Doron Levy underscores the paramount importance of international taxation in today’s globalized business landscape. As companies increasingly span international borders, he highlights the pressing need for a nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities in this domain: “International taxation presents quite a few challenges. Israeli companies must know the issue’s importance and act accordingly”.

Lawyer Doron Levy in IssueWire: Tax Resistance as Form of Protest

Lawyer Doron Levy tax protest

Lawyer Doron Levy, an Israeli tax law expert, explains tax resistance as a potent form of civil disobedience in IssueWiree. In his perspective, tax resistance transcends financial disagreement, representing a principled stance against supporting governments engaged in actions citizens find objectionable. Citing historical inspirations, Levy underscores the diverse motivations behind tax resistance, from challenging war […]

Lawyer Doron Levy: Stocks, Bonds, Cryptocurrencies and Regulations

Lawyer Doron Levy

In this video, Lawyer Doron Levy covers a range of important topics in the capital market, such as public companies: “A public company refers to a company, that offers its securities to the general public for purchase. Typically, these securities are in the form of stocks. But a public company can also be considered, a […]

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